How To Work With Blue Kyanite

a close up of a blue kyanite blade

Blue kyanite is a crystal of mastery that helps you with self-expression, clarity of thought, come up with new ideas, hear your intuition, and recover more quickly from colds and sore throats. Here’s how to work with it:

Wear it daily:

  • to help you articulate your thoughts better

  • generate and form new ideas

  • for clarity, efficiency and fearless communication

  • for psychic shielding and protection 

Meditate with it:

  • to increase your intuition and clairaudience

  • to regain focus and not be scattered or overwhelmed

Use it in crystal healing:

  • for all of the above by placing it on the throat chakra, 3rd eye chakra or the receptive hand

  • place it on the throat chakra for colds, sore throats, and respiratory infections

a close up of a natural, blue kyanite blade

You can learn about more crystals and how to work with them in your everyday life in my book "Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck" or you can sign up for my online certification Alchemy Program: Istaria Crystallis™!



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