Rhodonite in the Shark Belly: Healing Ancestral Abundance Blocks with Crystals

Whenever we are going through phases of growth, change, expansion, becoming, it is inevitable that fears or obstacles will come up as a part of that process.

Like the dragon in the fairytales, it’s often facing + overcoming a great challenge that catalyzes our transformation and initiates us into a new level of wisdom, understanding, and power.

A great white shark swimming in the ocean with smaller fishes behind it

My symbolic fairytale “dragon” is a shark in spirit form - a great white shark, to be exact.

The spirit of Great White has been a potent guide for me for a long time. It comes to me in visions - dreams, meditations, journeys – and is a harbinger of change. It is always a signal that I need to face a fear before I can move forward.

As an interesting sidenote, sharks as a collective species are older than trees. They’ve been around 400 million years and have survived 4 mass global extinctions. Their DNA light codes are beyond ancient and are imprinted with incredible memories – and memories are wisdom.

It’s also interesting to note that in most of the “power animal” reference books I own sharks are omitted – whale, dolphin, turtle, sure - but no shark. Shark carries with it a primal fear and force that, understandably, most try to avoid.

But if you want to break through something, it becomes a formidable ally.

Great White came at a time when I was weaving into deeper abundance healing and addressing limiting mindsets: Layers of the proverbial onion that I’ve been steadfastly peeling over the years.

From my work I’ve come to believe that most of the issues we’re faced with overcoming stem from our past lives and ancestral line: Patterns that weave themselves into unconscious blocks, limiting or negative beliefs, fears, even shame.

They can take ages to uncover and unravel, and I think that’s why so many people struggle with them throughout their lives: They can learn all the practices, pay for coaching, take manifestation workshops, but if they don’t find the source code of that pattern they’ll just keep hitting a wall.

The Backstory

I’ve had my own journey with abundance. When I first started my crystal reiki practice almost 20 years ago (!) in New York City, I began from a financial and emotional rock bottom. I was stone broke (no pun intended) and deeply wounded – it was a very tough beginning.

But my pattern began long before that: Growing up my father had had a string of failed businesses, was always struggling, overworking, and stoking illusions of grandeur.

He pushed us very hard to achieve, and he rewarded our successes while punishing our failures.

I remember he had this sign facing him on his desk in his apartment that said “NO”. No to quitting. No to giving up. No to taking rest. No to failure.

There was something about that sign that always came across as heavy, heartbreaking, and desperate to me. Rather than motivational it felt incarcerating and sad.

His fortunes never improved, and looking back I could see a string of ancestors who had sought but never found wealth, dreamers who never quite succeeded, and a deep envy for those who had more.

All of this continued down the generations. To me.

Krista holding a moldavite tektite between her thumb and index finger up to the light

Moldavite tektite

For all the work I’ve done on myself in this lifetime (and I’ve done a LOT), I knew I still carried those patterns in my DNA, and I could see where they were still playing out in my life.

I didn’t want to end up that way…

Moldavite then spoke to me very clearly: “Journey to shark. Face the fear.


When I asked which crystal in my keeping would be my ally in this journey, rhodonite sang to me.

Rhodonite’s a beautiful crystal of heart-healing, pursuing one’s dreams, and courage. It grounds us in our heart’s desires making them easier to pursue, and it can act as an emotional + energetic filter.

It was an interesting choice, one I hadn’t thought of, and so I held it in one hand and moldavite in the other, invited in their spirits to dance, settled into my soul space, and allowed myself to be pulled into the journey.

The Medicine Journey

Entranced by the crystal frequencies I was pulled through water. The jaws of the Great White opened and down I went into its belly.

I won’t tell you about the smell – suffice it to say it wasn’t pleasant – but I stayed floating in a dark, warm, liquid space until visions slowly began to coalesce:

Once again I’m in my dad’s apartment, staring at that desk, and seeing the “NO” sign.

Only this time I could feel my dad’s thoughts and emotions: He felt like he was always on the outside looking in. Held back. Needed a win. Just one more try, one more week, one more deal and he’d get there.

He deeply valued status, power, wealth, and both admired and envied the people who had it. He counted himself among them, his ship just hadn’t come in yet.

He was exhausted, in debt, very stressed and so, so unhappy. He loved us but all he thought about was work. We were an afterthought, something to be squeezed in between things, sometimes a burden, and our achievements (not our feelings) were what mattered most to him because we needed to succeed.

All of this hit a very deep core of recognition in me: I’ve felt this way a LOT about myself in my life, and I’ve pushed just as hard to succeed to the point of burnout, misery, and exhaustion.

Survival mode clearly ran in the family.

My father used to say to me that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”, and “You fell off me, Krista”. It pleased him to think that I was so much like him, and I always hated it.

I realized in this moment that this was what Great White had needed me to see: How much I feared ending up like my father.

Even though I didn’t want to be like him I was persisting in his patterns, patterns he no doubt inherited from his parents and their parents before.

I could see them all standing there like mirrored reflections: pushing like work horses, struggling, desiring, failing. One generation after the next.

It had come to me to resolve it. (Side note: My father and I are estranged, so this had to be done in spirit).

The Healing that RESOLVED The Pattern

So, I asked my crystal + spirit guides: “How do we heal this? How do we dissolve this pattern?

Their response? “Love. Accept. Make peace.”

And so, still in the journey, I kissed my father on the forehead and gently said:

“But the apple did fall from the tree Dad. I am not like you, I am very different, and that’s how I wish to be. Gratefully. I am free to be myself now, to live my life joyfully how I choose.

I’m letting you go now, and you have to let me go, too.”

I could feel the crystals amplify in my hands as they began to channel their powerful light directly into my DNA codes. It was time. My guides had me repeat the following verses as the healing took place:

“I release my hold on you. I release my hold on you. I release my hold on you.”

And then: “I free myself from you. I free myself from you. I free myself from you.”

I saw our energetic fields separate, and then the shadow codes in my DNA lit up and became radiant – a sure sign that a transmutation had occurred – and I was crying but also at peace.

The healing had happened. I was free.

The vision of my dad and the apartment then slowly dissolved, and I found myself floating in cool, clear water.

The invitation then came from Spirit to envision how I would like to be now. To see it, feel into it, with great joy and gratitude and certainty.

And so I did, speaking out the words of power, proclaiming who and what I am. Seeing how differently I live now. Claiming my sovereignty. Imprinting a new state of consciousness and aligned pattern in the code.

And then I was pulled back into my body. The crystals cooled. And I gave thanks to All.

The Result

Krista sitting at a table with crystals before her. Her eyes are closed, she is gently smiling and holds a crystal over her heart with both her hands

 When I close my eyes now I no longer see sharks. Great White has served its purpose. The pattern has been resolved and it has eased back into the spirit realm.

When I checked my email that day, I’d had a slew of new sales come through, and later that week I was able to hire a second person for my team, creating more support + spaciousness in my business.

More money wasn’t the goal so much as it was about resources – all my life I had felt I had so few options and that I had to do everything on my own. I often felt trapped and held back because of it.

But now I feel hopeful, excited, prepared, and certain for what I’m manifesting in my life, and I know that as more limiting patterns surface I will be able to face + resolve them with my crystal allies.

Knowing that fills me with light, and I feel very blessed indeed.

So remember, if you feel stuck or trapped in limiting patterns it is not something you have to go on suffering. Your crystals can help you find the source code, transmute the energy, and establish a new and better pattern.

You just need to ask them!

And then surrender to the flow…


The Moldavite Codes - Part 1 - The Origin Story