Istaria Crystallis® Mystery School FAQ

Hi loves!

We’ve had a bunch of questions as we unveiled the roll-out of our new mystery school this year, so we are answering them here.

This section will continue to be populated - if you have a question and don’t see the answer here, please drop it into the comments below and we will answer within 2 business days!

Are there pre-requisites for the new journeys or quests?

For “Crystal Mystika” and “Light Codes Transmission”, no. For the rest of the quests there will be an initiation quest that will be required so that you know a) how to spirit journey with crystal frequencies, and b) how to do the work safely.

What is this Initiation Quest?

It’s essentially a short, inexpensive course that will train you in:

  • Channeling crystal spirits, consciousness, and light codes.

  • Psychic discernment so you can easily identify the good spirits from the bad ones (or the positive realms vs. the negative ones).

  • Spiritual sovereignty so that you always know how to remain in your power, and so that you feel confident while journeying.

  • And essential shielding techniques with sacred geometry.

Once you’ve done the initiation quest, you qualify for any quest, journey, or training offered in the mystery school

What do you mean by “spirit journeying with crystal frequencies”?

In essence, it’s like stepping into a dream with the spirits + energies of your crystals, and going on a healing adventure. If you’ve ever experienced shamanic journeying, or plant medicine journeying, it’s the same concept, except in this case you are dropping into trance with crystals and experiencing different spiritual realms in consciousness.

You are always consciously aware in these journeys and empowered, but this allows you to tap into the deep, unconscious spaces within where memories, programmed patterns, and karma are carried. It also opens you to other realms in consciousness (like the Akashic realm, angelic realm, etc.), and creates clear channels of communication with spirit guides, teachers, masters, etc. who can help guide and advise you.

Can we pick and choose which quest we do, or is there an order we have to follow?

Yes the idea is for you to pick and choose whichever quest calls to your soul, or offers the healing, guidance, manifestation magic, or spiritual growth you crave. Think of it as a “choose your own adventure” school, or a crystalline version of Hogwarts where every class is an elective.

What if I want more of a structured experience?

We’ve got you covered! Our “Labyrinth Program” (to be announced soon) will lead you through the core work and experiences of Istaria Crystallis® with a more traditional course structure, in a way that each teaching and journey leads into the next.

It will include the teachings + journeys from the following quests:

  • Earthsong (Crystalline realm, Earth realm, Luminous Ones, Original Seed + Lemurian Seed Crystals)

  • Akashic Realm

  • Celestial Realm

  • Past Life Healing

  • Ancestral Healing

  • 4 Forces (elements) Initiation

  • Time Loops + Dream Weaving

  • Lemurian Holograph Healing + Blueprinting

Will the original “Istaria Crystallis® programs, “Level 1: Codex” and “Level 2: Alchemy” still be available?

Yes! For people who have already taken level 1, level 2 will still be an enrolment option. For people who desired to take level 1 this year, the “Labyrinth Program” will be a bright, shiny, new, and updated version of level 1 and 2.

Are there going to be group calls or sessions on Zoom with Krista?

Yes! We will be holding monthly “Fire Circles” where we will gather together online, with cups of tea and snacks, to share our experiences and receive guidance or support direct from Krista as needed (Krista LOVES our group gatherings, she will always be offering those).

Why the change to this new format?

The nature of Krista’s work with the crystals is always evolving. They presented to her a new a fun way to lead people into this magical world and work with them. They said to structure the mystery school “like an oracle card deck”, one that you could journey into to not only receive guidance and insight, but energy healing, too.

We also listened to our community: Many found the larger course structures (and price tags) daunting or inaccessible. This makes this advanced, luminous healing + soul-discovery work with the crystallines more available to everyone! And that was the ultimate point: To spread light and consciousness as far and wide as possible.

Are the Quests only available for one month? Or can we sign up for them anytime?

You can sign up for them any time! We will be announcing new quests each month, but the previous quests will remain available as part of the growing offerings and world of the mystery school.

How long do I have access to a quest once I sign up?

Lifetime. It will always be there for you whenever you need it.

If I’ve already done Istaria Crystallis® Level 1, or the old Light Walker program, do I need to do the initiation again?

No, you can email us directly and we will give you the entrance key to the mystery school. You don’t have to do the initiation again (though if it’s been a while it may be a good refresher - you can always email us and ask).

Will there be some kind of private group or community space we can join?

Yes! We are currently working on developing our own private community space, as well as a forum, along with our new online school. This will all be available before the March equinox.

Will there be some kind of membership option, instead of signing up for Quests every month?

We’re thinking about it, but for right now we’re keeping things simple and offering the “choose your own quest” or “Labyrinth Program (tba)” options.

Will the Istaria Crystallis® practitioner program still be available?

Yes! That will still remain an option for people who have completed sufficient quests to qualify.

Have a question you don’t see answered here? Leave it in the comments below!

We will respond to you within 2 business days.


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