This month’s circle for Istaria Crystallis® Students ONLY:
Galactic Dragon
You’ve all met your Earth dragon and been initiated into its medicine, but did you know that you’ve got a divinely appointed galactic dragon as well?
Our Earth dragons are limited to the Earth realm (including the paths we’ve walked here before), but our galactic dragon represents us in the Celestial:
🌠 Future timelines
🌠 Dark E.T. contracts
🌠 Lives on other planets or star systems
Did you know that you can clear potential future timelines, dear one, as well as ones from the past?
And did you know that you can journey through star gates on the back of your dragon?
It’s time to meet your celestial dragon, and learn how, in this sacred circle.
To join these circles, you must have at least completed:
Istaria Crystallis® level 2
OR Light Walker Celestial Awakenings
OR Light Walker Level 3
Live online Tuesday March 26th at 12 noon EST on Zoom.
The channeling begins within 5 minutes of the start time so PLEASE arrive on time!
The replay link will be emailed to all who register 24 hours later.
Suggested Crystal(s) for this Circle:
Absolutely no idea! It will have to sing to you. For everyone it will be different…
After checkout you will be redirected to the registration page.
Questions? Email us.
Missed Last Month’s Circle?
The Crystallines teach that all life happens in patterns and cycles, and that the patterns that emerge both collectively and individually are based on the cycles we’re in.
Are we in an Atlantean cycle?
Are we witnessing the rise or fall of Atlantis again?
And if so, what patterns are surfacing now that we must face?
What parts of ourselves are we being asked to heal, or reclaim?
Who were you in Atlantis, dear one? For we know that you were there, and that there is something left for you to complete.
After checkout you will be redirected to the replay page.