Istaria Crystallis® Sessions

Individual Private Sessions with Krista —

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What would your life be like…

If you were finally free of that block, limiting mindset, persistent wound, or energy drain?

If you were so clear and certain about your purpose + direction in life,
and had the guidance to get there with ease?

Stop imagining it - let’s work together to make it happen!

What is an Istaria Crystallis® session?

Istaria Crystallis® is a new form of crystal work that fuses spirit mediumship with distance healing, channeling higher consciousness + crystal frequencies directly into your energy body to help free you from mental blocks and limitations.

These sessions are more accelerated in their effects than traditional crystal healing modalities because they go directly to the origin point* of all the negative patterns, wounds, and conditioned beliefs that are operating in your subconscious in order to dissolve or resolve them.

*The origin point is where that wound, limiting belief, or dark contract first happened and then took hold in your consciousness (or that of your ancestor), subsequently patterning out into your choices, actions, health, feelings, and reality (including past and future lives). When we resolve an issue right at its origin point we immediately begin to shift or dissolve the pattern.

With time, changes happen naturally & with ease - almost like magic - because the direct cause has been resolved.

We can then establish new points or codes in consciousness to create new patterns that are in alignment with your authentic self and desires.

“Before I began, I felt overwhelmed by the karmic burdens carried through my family line, which I thought had been impacting my wife's health for a decade. During the session with Krista, I experienced a profound clearing of my energy field, and to my relief, my wife's condition seemed to align as well. Not only have I noticed a tangible release from ancestral traumas within my conscious awareness, but my energy levels have significantly uplifted.

Thanks to Krista, I now embrace a future filled with positive possibilities, which allow us to hold a hopeful perspectives for our future. This experience has opened a new, bright chapter in our lives, and we are profoundly thankful for it all.”


An added benefit of an Istaria Crystallis® session is that you receive strategic, soul-aligned guidance to help you catalyze + sustain positive changes in your life.

The crystal frequencies + higher consciousness channeled in these sessions activates the quantum (higher) potential lying dormant in your crystalline DNA.

As these changes ripple outwards your life can become exponentially better over time.

You’ll find that you have:

  • greater access to your own spiritual abilities

  • clearer intuition

  • and that you feel more capable of manifesting your higher purpose + desires.

I have done several Istaria Crystallis® sessions with Krista Mitchell. Each session has been incredibly profound in its own divine way. They seem to build upon each one, going deeper into my soul for soul healing. I learn so much about myself. I always go away feeling empowered and with a deeper connection to myself. The feeling does not go away. It’s like a bell that has been rung that I cannot unring. I step more into my own power.

This experience is something that I highly recommend for anyone. It is incredibly healing on so many different levels of my life.”


What Can Be Addressed in an Istaria Crystallis® Session:

Akashic Record Readings

You carry your Akashic Records in your crystalline DNA. Your records contain the history of your soul (incl. past lives), ancestors, and the details of your etheric blueprint. We can journey into your Records to discover the origin point of your challenges, receive guidance in how to resolve them, and ask for strategic advice on how to improve your life + evolve into your higher purpose or potential.

Energy Clearing

If the “vibe” inside your home, body or land feels off, there’s a good chance it is. The great news is that we can channel crystal frequencies + higher consciousness into any energetic field to transmute dark energy or clear negative spirits, restoring balance + harmony.

Past Life Healing

When we struggle to move forward, no matter how hard we try, past-life karma is usually at play. Contracts or harmful decisions we made in previous lives, as well as trauma we experienced, can keep us tethered to other souls or suffering. We have the potential to clear that karma, dissolve those contracts, and heal the trauma pattern so that you can happily move forward.

Ancestral healing

You’d be shocked at how deeply the experiences of our ancestors impact our beliefs and the circumstances of our daily lives! Ancestral energy or limiting beliefs are passed down through the generations and are encoded in our DNA, and can limit your opportunities or negatively impact how you see yourself. We can clear this energy, rewrite the belief, and create the opportunity for new ways of being while opening the road to more expansive possibilities.

Shadow Self or Emotional Healing

The difficult experiences we navigate as children create distortions in our energy field that act like magnets for dark energy, dulling the power of our light. They can also keep us trapped in limiting patterns, once designed to keep us safe, but that now are holding us back. We can uncover the cause - without having to relive or trigger the trauma - and change how it’s energetically patterning in your life so that you can be free.

…the session was a true game-changer as it explained all darkness in the house and most importantly, how past-life 'curse' has been affecting my whole life significantly, imprinting a very precise pattern of fear and even habits in my life (talking about VERY concrete stuff, no "wishywashy" guessing). So the session did not only release the root-cause of dark energy, it allowed me to forgive and blow a kiss to my own wounds and wounds of my ancestors and this still moves my core.

She has not fixed me, she has empowered me and allowed me to expand - and above all, that is what I love about Krista and her crystal allies. She really honors your truth and never sees you as a victim, small or weak - and the power of that kind of trust and light is life-changing!”




Krista N. Mitchell is the author of “Crystal Reiki” and “Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love, and Luck”.

For 15 years she was a full-time crystal reiki therapist and spiritual counselor in New York City before devoting her path to teaching and writing.

Her training programs are based on years of intensive field-work, successful case studies, and interweave quantum theory, psychology, and crystal alchemy to help effect deep levels of healing and transformation.

She lives on the north shores of Lake Erie in a magical fairy-woods house with her family, crystals, and ever-growing collection of garden gnomes.

The Details:

  • 1x 60-minute private session with Krista.

  • Sessions take place online via Zoom with recordings + transcripts provided.

  • Sessions can be booked on the second and fourth weeks of every month, Monday - Friday between 10am - 4pm EDT.

    Please note: You must be 18 or older to book a session.

    Click here for refund & cancellation policies.

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