The Labyrinth Program
$444 (Goes up to $555 after April 01)
or 4 Month Payment Plan / $120
(goes up to 5 months of $120 after April 1)
Includes “The Initiation” for FREE!
Lifetime Access & Self-Pace
Access on the NEW School Website
The labyrinth is the archetypal structure of life and existence:
We walk the pathway ever forward until we reach the centre - finding our purpose, truth, and reunification with Source.
The healing process is pretty much the same:
As long as we keep moving through it, we get to a point where healing or change is inevitable.

This is a mystical, self-paced training that will guide you into a deeper spiritual connection with crystals, and how to heal with their consciousness.
You set your goal for the centre of the labyrinth - healing, manifestation, ascension, revelation, etc.,
and then you enter.
Each crystal medicine journey takes you deeper into the issue, healing or clearing what’s blocking you in your unconscious mind and cellular memory.
This is where we can access the generational patterns, past life karma, childhood wounding, negative energy, or soul contracts that are either reinforcing or causing your issue.
And then channel crystal spirit medicine to help resolve it.
$444 (Goes up to $555 after April 01)
or 4 Month Payment Plan / $120
Includes “The Initiation” Quest for FREE!
Lifetime Access & Self-Pace
Access on the NEW School Website

What You’ll Experience in the Labyrinth:
Tap the arrows to discover all the exciting details about each experience!
The foundational training in the Istaria Crystallis® mystery school that teaches you how to channel the spirit + quantum energy of your crystals, journey safely into other realms or states of consciousness, and how to clearly discern between light and dark energies. Optional for those who have already been initiated!
There is a crystal at the core of our planet who’s energy helps to soothe + stabilize our nerves, feel more grounded and certain, and resilient or adaptable in times of change. It prepares us for the journey ahead and helps our bodies to process + sustain high healing energy.
It is said that at the start of each lifetime we are assigned a dragon guardian, one who can help protect us from dark energy and change it into light. Our dragon spirit guardian becomes a powerful ally in energy clearing and healing inner child or shadow wounds.
Meeting Your Dragon Guardian (30 minutes).
Turning Shadow into Light - Transmuting Negative Energy (25 minutes).
Dragon Medicine - Healing Inner Shadow Wounds (30 minutes).
In the Celestial realm we can see the bigger picture of our lives, meet and work with our spirit guides and teachers, and receive the strategy or advice we need to improve our circumstances.
Journey to Meet Your Spirit Ally in the Labyrinth (20 minutes).
Timeline Gazing - Seeing What’s Working for You, What’s Not, and What Needs to Change (25 minutes).
The Akashic Realm is an infinite database of light where we can access our soul’s “guidebook” and retrieve past life information. You will learn how to journey into your Akashic records, uncover past life karma that’s negatively influencing you, and work dragon medicine to clear it.
Opening Your Akashic Records (30 minutes).
Retrieving Past Life Memory (20 minutes).
Dragon Medicine for Past Life Healing (30 minutes).
Generational patterns of behavior, belief, and mindset are often inherited and can be contributing to our blocks and challenges in ways we may not see or realize. You will learn how to perceive these patterns, work with your ancestors, and heal them.
Introduction + Journey to Meet Your Ancestral Guides or Guardians (30 minutes).
Journey to Healing Your Ancestral Lineage (30 minutes).
Journeying back down into the Earth to meet and heal with Gaia’s heartsoul. Experience deeper self-love, acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness. Come into a greater sense of wholeness, completion, and self-awareness.
First, you will encounter the Scroll of Self-Reflection where you will be prompted to gaze back on how far you’ve come, take stock of what has healed or changed, and assess your healing progress.
Then, you will journey to the great Wisdom Tree to receive your soul’s vision for your future, and what you are now being prompted to manifest or dream into your life.
$444 (Goes up to $555 after April 01)
or 4 Month Payment Plan / $120
Includes “The Initiation” for FREE!
Lifetime Access & Self-Pace
Access on the NEW School Website

The best part about the Labyrinth Program?
The labyrinth can be walked again and again, each journey unfolding differently, guiding you ever closer to your centre
or a new goal.
Ever closer to your dream life.
Required Crystals:
You can do all of this work with a quartz crystal – any size, shape, or formation.
Additional Crystal + Stone Suggestions:
Healer’s gold, hematite, Lemurian seed crystal, rose quartz, apophyllite, celestite, black obsidian, staurolyte, astrophyllite, Herkimer diamond, azurite, shiva lingam.
Additional crystal suggestions will be made at each gateway.
You are also encouraged to trust the crystal that sings to you for each journey.
Dear one, are you ready for your dreams to become a reality?
$444 (Goes up to $555 after April 01)
or 4 Month Payment Plan / $120
Includes “The Initiation” for FREE!
Lifetime Access & Self-Pace
Access on the NEW School Website
Questions? Email Us