A Crystal Prophecy Ritual for Imbolc
The crystals whisper as the Lady blesses the land…
I woke up to a brilliantly bright and sunny dawn, and I could feel in my bones that tomorrow (February 2nd) would be Imbolc.
Imbolc (pronounced im-blk) is the first of the three spring festivals that were celebrated in ancient times, and its spirit medicine is that of HOPE.
The Lady, maiden goddess, walks barefoot across the frozen land, whispering for life to reawaken. She blesses all that she touches, and as she does so, life stirs beneath her feet.
Every year on Imbolc eve I place a shawl out in the garden that the Lady may bless it as she passes, so that I may wear it in times when I'm in need of comfort.
Whether you are of Celtic lineage or not, there's an ancient Druidic ritual for prophecy that we can all practice at this time of year.
The great Celtic fire goddess Brigid is said to have been born at this time of year.
Birthed in the threshold of a doorway (a liminal point between the realms of time and space), she was a seer, sage, and healer, and protector of the land.
It is said that when you step out onto the threshold of your home's doorway, and gaze out onto the land (especially if facing east), you will glimpse a sign of what's to come for you this year.
It's a form of prophecy, and I've practiced it every year.
How You can Practice this Form of Prophecy
You can do this simply by holding a crystal that calls to you, and then standing at a window or doorway with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and then analyze the symbolic meaning of the very first thing you see.
Most of us this day and age may not have a threshold that faces out onto the land, but that doesn't mean that we can't peer through the veils to catch sight of what the future might bring.
Crystals can provide this gateway for us, an opening through the mists of time so that we may see what our soul is calling to us.
Fascinated by Crystal Channeling and Prophecy?
If you signed up for OracleFest, I'll be guiding people through a prophecy ritual with their crystal, connecting them with their crystal's spirit to receive a vision.
And if you couldn't make the live and you've signed up for my latest quest “Crystal Mystika”, this will be a great day to practice your crystal channeling and divine what this year will bring for you, or to receive guidance on how best to navigate your path.
If you practiced the above channeling exercise, let me know what crystal you decided to ally with and what the very first thing you saw was? I’d love to know!
Imbolc (pronounced im-blk) is the first of the three spring festivals that were celebrated in ancient times, and its spirit medicine is that of HOPE.
Whether you are of Celtic lineage or not, there's an ancient Druidic ritual for prophecy that we can all practice at this time of year. I’ll show you how…