Aries Full Moon 2018 Crystals + My Magical Spin

a moon with an aries sign in the middle

Full moons are always phases of power, and it seems that the cosmos is constantly aligning in favor of us facing things, giving up things, engaging in deep healing, and catalyzing significant change.

Given the state of the world this isn’t surprising. Even yesterday I was teaching in class about Nature’s healing principle – nature’s impulse is always to heal.

And yet, as I was reading through astrology blogs to write this article, about Aries’ impatience and aggression, Chiron’s deep, archetypal wounding, and this moon that is going to engage us in facing our darkness and childhood sore spots, all I could think was “Ugh. I don’t want to write about this”.

To be clear, there are no horrible predictions about this full moon, just that it will likely be a bumpy ride. But I found myself craving a little more lightness of being.

Where’s the “party moon” in our skies? Where’s the “hey guys, this is going to be an epically FUN moon! Get happy!” article? Woohoo!

I sat here thinking about how I’d like this full moon phase to go for me, and what came to me was the essence of the magical child.

Our inner magical child is the one who looks forward to the world and change through a lens of mystical and imaginative awe. There’s unlimited possibility – we can be and do anything! And there’s great joy at the prospect.

As a child I never looked forward to going back to school, but I did love buying my “first day of school” outfit, I did feel excited at the prospect of who I could become, what I would learn and experience that year. It was a clean slate, a fresh start. A chance to do things differently or better.

I do understand that as humans there’s no separation between us and the stars, we are all made up of the fabric of the Universe. What the planets are mapping out in astrology is really a reflection of the energy patterns that are surrounding and influencing us at any given moment.

As such, this Aries full moon will do its thing and influence our journeys as is divinely designed. However, as humans, I also know that we have the power of choice: we can choose our perspective, we can choose how to respond.

So in light of that, the crystals I’m suggesting to wear or meditate with while attuning to the frequencies of this full moon, and in rituals for manifestation or healing, can also help you to tap into your inner magical child.

But first, here are the planetary influences and themes for this full moon:

Signs + Planetary Influences:

Chiron – deep childhood wounds

Autumnal equinox – embracing our shadow aspects, striving for inner balance, change

Saturn: rules and limitations, time, constraints

Vesta: intense focus


  • Shadow self-healing

  • Reframing old stories and assumptions

  • Healing the wounded sense of self

  • Healing guidance and insight from our dreams

  • Call to action

  • Setting off in pursuit of our dreams

  • Catalysts of change

  • Extra courage required when dealing with a wound or weakness

  • Learning to trust yourself

  • Interdependence

  • Learning to communicate your needs

  • Asking for help – learning that you don’t have to do everything on your own

Aries Full Moon Crystals

a mangano calcite stone, pink and polished with light banding

Mangano Calcite

Helps you to accept what you cannot change, and heal inner child wounds with gentleness and grace

a light pink kunzite stone with visible striations

Pink Kunzite

Divine love, childhood joy, awe-inspired by nature

a black obsidian stone between branches which has been arranged in a triangular shape

Black Obsidian

The shadow healer, brings old wounds up to the surface of our consciousness so that they can be faced and healed

a blue, polished aquamarine stone


Courage, freedom of expression, adventure, the journey archetype

a polished, white moonstone stone


Dreams, intuition, flow, healing guidance


Astrology sources:

Aries ink symbol for poster:



Crystals for Venus Retrograde 2018


Virgo New Moon Crystals: Time to Pursue Your Potential