Crystal Ritual for Divine Guidance: New Moon in Gemini

close up of a polished septarian stone

We have a Gemini new moon happening this Monday, June 3rd at 6:02am ET.

Gemini is a sign of:

  • mental and physical activity

  • relationships and communication

  • multi-tasking

  • engaging in actions, choices and conversations that bring about change in every day life

  • learning and teaching

  • marketing and networking

After the peaceable abundance and simplicity of Taurus, Gemini is about getting out there, meeting people, connecting, putting things in order, and making them happen.

This energy is divinely designed to powerfully “coincide” with where we are in the calendar and earthly cycles: we’re six months into the year, a time when many people check in with where they’re at as opposed to where they’d like to be.

It’s also a time when the sun is waxing to it’s fullest at the summer solstice (Litha, June 21st). Now is HIGH manifestation time as the sun comes fully into its power, so now is the time to really invest in making your goals happen!

Energetically, we can work with this new moon and crystals to help us gain clarity and come into a more solid alignment with the self (the fire of our souls), and receive divine guidance or help in moving powerfully forward.

The Crystals

an apophyllite cluster with numerous clear points

The two crystals I recommend working with at this time are septarian (humility, surrender to Spirit, freedom from fear or limiting thought patterns), and apophyllite (detachment from the ego, pure connection to Spirit, enhanced communication with spirit guides).

As septarian is not a widely owned crystal, an alternative would be honey calcite (learning new things, easing through change).

The Ritual

Timing: Begin a day before the new moon, and then you can do this ritual anytime after the new moon goes exact (6:02am on Monday, June 3rd) and before the moon goes void of course at 11:42am Tuesday, June 4th.

Materials: a piece of septarian (or honey calcite), a piece of apophyllite, a candle (any color, white or light blue is best), matches or lighter, notebook + pen to take notes. You can do this ritual on your own, or with my guided meditation when you sign up for my newsletter (available only until the moon goes void of course, see timing above).

  1. The day before the new moon, clean and declutter your home space. Your home space is a reflection of your mental space, and with this ritual we are working within the realms of thought and clear communication. Don’t forget to clear the energy of your space, too!

  2. Light your candle and place it in front of you as an invitation to your spirit guides and Source to join you (tip: even if you don’t know who your guides are, trust that they are always there and willing to help you).

  3. Hold your septarian in your receptive (non-dominant) hand and your apophyllite in your dominant hand.

  4. Close your eyes, breathe deeply yet gently.

  5. Imagine seeing your inner fire, the flame of your spirit, glow brightly in the core of your body. Feel it burning away any feelings of fear, resistance, old ideas, mental cobwebs, or stagnant energy.

  6. Gaze unto your candle flame and let your vision blur. Feel the flame within you grow even brighter.

  7. Now gaze upon the septarian in your hand, and allow its energy to flow into your system. Welcome humility. Welcome letting go of what no longer serves. Welcome openness.

  8. Now gaze upon your apophyllite, and ask it to connect you with your divinely-appointed guides. Feel or imagine it opening up a divine light channel to Source, so that only pure energy and guidance can flow through to you for your highest good. Feel your guides with you.

  9. Now speak your questions for guidance, your new moon intentions, or your request(s) for divine help and intervention.

  10. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and affirm that you are ready to receive. Let the guidance flow in, and make notes either during your ritual, or after.

  11. When you feel complete, open your eyes, deepen your breathing, thank Spirit, your guides, and your crystals, and make a note of whatever came through.



Crystals + Elements in Energy Healing: EARTH


Scorpio Full Moon: A Crystal Healing Ritual for Deep Transformation