How To Work With Pink Kunzite

a group of pink kunzite crystals on a rock

Pink Kunzite is a higher heart crystal full of joyful vibes, that fills the heart chakra with loving energy, helping it to heal, expand, and receive divine love. Here’s how to work with it.

Meditate with it:

a pair of pink kunzite stones
  • to receive energy into the heart chakra and expand and heal the heart chakra

  • to receive divine love, let go of old wounds 

  • to raise your own vibration or frequency so you can be in a more expansive place of sharing 

  • to connect more with people and to be more generous 

  • to embody a greater sense of possibilities in your life 

Wear it daily:

  • to feel more joy and happiness

  • more at ease within your skin

  • to feel more beautiful

Use it in crystal therapy:

  • by placing it just above your heart chakra while working on childhood trauma, childhood wounds

  • while working on a loss of sense of hope or faith

  • to connect to your own sense of uniqueness within the inter-connected collective

My favorite Pink Kunzite

Have you ever worked with this stone? What did you love about it?

Krista holding a tumbled pink kunzite in her palm

You can learn about more crystals and how to work with them in your everyday life in my book "Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck" or you can sign up for any of my online classes and programs!



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