I’ve worked with crystal tonics and have infused my own drinking water with crystals for years, and there’s a whole section devoted to making your own tonics (as well as bath infusions) in my book coming out in June.

Crystal tonics and infused waters are such an easy and pleasant way of receiving healing crystal energy throughout the day. They are a particular favorite of clients of mine who either work in the fashion and entertainment industries, or who travel frequently, and can’t always be wearing or carrying a lot of crystals.

The key thing to making your own infusions or tonics is safety; many crystals are toxic, or can be damaged or dissolve easily in water.

A while ago I did a webinar on making your own crystal tonics, and included that information in my book, but you can get a sneak peek below on how to make them safely and effectively.


a tray with objects on it
  • 16 ounces spring water

  • crystal combination (crystals should be anywhere from 1”to 3” in size)

  • glass pitcher

  • glass test tube or slender glass container that fits inside the glass pitcher (for method #1)

  • glass jar with tight-fitting lid

  • 3-5 quartz single terminated points anywhere from 1” to 2” long (for method #2)

  • plastic wrap or cheese cloth

  • 1 ounce glass bottle with dropper

  • tape or label and marker

  • 8 ounces vodka, brandy, or apple cider vinegar

Method #1

a jug of water and crystals arranged around it
  1. Clear the energy of your crystals (watch my YouTube video for a demonstration)

  2. Clean your glass pitcher, test tube or inner glass container, and jar with lid.

  3. Fill glass pitcher with spring water.

  4. Place your crystal combination in the test tube, and the test tube in the glass pitcher.  Be certain that your crystals do not come in direct contact with the water.

  5. Cover the top of the pitcher with either plastic wrap or cheesecloth to keep the water free of debris.

  6. Let stand for 3-7 days undisturbed.

  7. Remove test tube, pour the infused water from the pitcher into the jar, and then blend with the vodka, brandy or vinegar. 

  8. Pour an amount of the mixture into your bottle with dropper, and keep the rest as your mother stock to refill when needed.  Label both with type, ingredients, and date, and keep your mother stock in a cool dry place.

Method #2

a jug of water and crystals arranged around it
  1. Clear the energy of your crystals.

  2. Clean your glass pitcher.

  3. Fill glass pitcher with spring water.

  4. Place an equal number of single terminated quartz crystals to the number of your crystal combination around the pitcher, pointing in towards the pitcher.

  5. Place one of your crystals from your combination behind your quartz points (see image), so that the quartz point is directing the crystal’s energy towards the water in the pitcher.

  6. Cover the top of the pitcher with either plastic wrap or cheesecloth to keep the water free of debris.

  7. Let stand for 5-7 days undisturbed.

  8. Remove crystals, pour the infused water from the pitcher into the jar, and then blend with the vodka, brandy or vinegar. 

  9. Pour an amount of the mixture into your bottle with dropper, and keep the rest as your mother stock to refill when needed.  Label both with type, ingredients, and date, and keep your mother stock in a cool dry place.

Want More?

Find them in my book “Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck”. In it you'll find combinations for adrenal restoratives, digestive issues, love & abundance attraction, psychic protection, and much more!



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