Celestite: A Healing Ritual for Divine Intervention

Krista holding a large, natural, light blue celestite specimen

Celestite is a strontium sulfate crystal whose fragility belies its majestic healing power.

Its name derives from the Latin “heavenly”.

We work with celestite a lot in my Istaria Crystallis™ program to accelerate healing, and to deepen our exploration and development of our spiritual selves.

In meditation it helps connect us with the “something more” that we all are, and its high frequency vibrations opens divine channels that can help lead us on our soul path, discover our life purpose, and embody more of our higher potential.

It resonates with the heart, throat, 3rd eye, and crown chakras.

Celestite’s message:

“Honor the path and guidance of your soul. The more you ask for light, help, hope, the more you will have. But you must ask, and you must be willing to receive.”

Celestite’s channeled healing ritual for you:

a light blue celestite cluster with a few points

“Using your receptive hand, hold me to your heart center. Breathe. Focus on the help you need.

Ask out loud for divine intervention. Speak soulfully and with emotion about your circumstances, and ask for the help you need.

Set the intention that you are open to receiving any help, guidance, or intervention you need, FROM THE LIGHT, for your highest good.

Sit quietly in a receptive state, while still holding me in your receptive hand, for as long as you feel comfortable to do so. Then let it go.

Or, alternatively, place me by your bedside and fall asleep with the same intention.

Know that help is coming to you in whatever form(s) is best.”

Channeled by Krista N. Mitchell March 2020. ©Krista N. Mitchell, 2020. All rights reserved.



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