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On Surrendering My Business to Spirit
I’ve been in the process these past few months of deepening into my trust in Spirit, and the stone consciousness, by honoring the Universal forces that shape us and the higher powers that guide us. I’ve been letting go of my need to control (a fear-based impulse motivated by the need for safety), and allowing myself to be guided, supported, provided-for in my life and work.

Navigating the Emotional Energy of this World
At the same time, I also know there’s a lot of this going down for many people in our community. Here are a few things you can do right now to help you feel a bit better…

The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide
This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.

Crystal Solstice + Eclipse Magic: The Descent of the Sacred Warrior
I experienced a powerful download yesterday. I was in my garden with my sceptre quartz, tuning into the energies of the solstice and the upcoming new moon in cancer + solar eclipse. What I received was an insight into the archetypal cycles, nature, and stories of humanity, and how they’re playing out now on a cosmic scale.

Working with Crystals at the Liminal Point of Consciousness
In Druid lore, the liminal point was sacred — a threshold between realms, time, space, and consciousness. In our modern age, we’re more familiar with trance, hypnosis, psychedelics, and meditative states when it comes to working with the liminal point, but the value and boon of threshold magic has never left human experience.

Finding Your Soul Stone + Crystal Talisman
In the crystal kingdom, for each of us, there is a soul stone. A stone that represents the heart of your life quest, purpose, or path. Ready to discover what yours is?

Crystals + Water Element: Healing & Nurturing
The realm of water is that of the emotions, the collective unconscious, receptivity, and intuition. It is abundant and divine flow, and a place where secrets and other worlds lay hidden.

How To Work With Ajoite
Ajoite is one of my top fave crystals that I work with regularly because it's so powerful, and yet so gentle. It's a crystal I highly recommend for healers.

Shaping Your Destiny: How to Make the Best Life Choices (According to Your Soul)
This is one of the key principles in living a great big happy life!