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Hidden Messages in the Stones
It’s a reasonable deduction that if you are drawn to a particular crystal it’s because you need its energy medicine. But what if it has a hidden message for you instead?

Working with Crystals at the Liminal Point of Consciousness
In Druid lore, the liminal point was sacred — a threshold between realms, time, space, and consciousness. In our modern age, we’re more familiar with trance, hypnosis, psychedelics, and meditative states when it comes to working with the liminal point, but the value and boon of threshold magic has never left human experience.

Crystals + Water Element: Healing & Nurturing
The realm of water is that of the emotions, the collective unconscious, receptivity, and intuition. It is abundant and divine flow, and a place where secrets and other worlds lay hidden.

Crystal Empowerment for Empaths
Are you an empath? Are you someone who's so sensitive to the feelings of others that you experience them as your own? If so, you're in good company: I'm an empath, too.

Crystals for Mercury Retrograde + the Pisces New Moon
While many people focus on the negatives when in Mercury retro, there are a lot of positive aspects, but in order to benefit from them you need to be able to stay grounded and go with the flow.

How to Unblock Your Intuition
Here's how you can unblock your intuition and make it easier to follow…

Opening Your Third Eye Chakra
There are many different ways of opening your third eye chakra with crystals in order to strengthen your intuition and activate psychic abilities.

How To Work With Azurite
Azurite is a powerhouse third eye chakra crystal that helps you dramatically increase your psychic abilities and awareness, divination skills, and think outside the box.

How To Work With Blue Kyanite
Blue kyanite is a crystal of mastery that helps you with self-expression, clarity of thought, come up with new ideas, hear your intuition, and recover more quickly from colds and sore throats.