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Scorpio Full Moon: A Crystal Healing Ritual for Deep Transformation
So you’ve got choices in how you want to work this Scorpio full moon energy: is there some deep desire you’d like to have manifest, or is there something you wish to be freed from?

Crystal Empowerment for Empaths
Are you an empath? Are you someone who's so sensitive to the feelings of others that you experience them as your own? If so, you're in good company: I'm an empath, too.

Protective + House Blessing Crystal Ritual for the Waning Moon Phase
With this ritual we’re working with the power of the waning moon, quartz, five protective stones, and water. I’ve also included some tips on how you make this more powerful (if you have the time).

How To Work With Spirit Quartz
Spirit quartz is a powerful aura healer and protector, that boosts courage, and enhances your connection to the fairy and nature spirit realm.

How To Work With Sugilite
Sugilite is a powerful stone of transformation, healing, emotional and spiritual growth that helps to raise your frequency, activate and strengthen psychic ability, and heal the heart.

How To Work With Black Kyanite
Black kyanite is a power crystal that helps to remove blocked energy, deflect psychic attack, and help you to uncover and work through the causes of inner resistance.

Healers & Empaths: How to Protect Yourself In Your Sleep
As our consciousness drifts on the dream and astral plane, we can encounter, interact with, and be affected by energies and spirits far removed from our own on the physical plane.

How To Work With Blue Kyanite
Blue kyanite is a crystal of mastery that helps you with self-expression, clarity of thought, come up with new ideas, hear your intuition, and recover more quickly from colds and sore throats.

How To Work With Tourmalined Quartz
Tourmaline quartz is quartz that has either strands, fibers, or bars of black tourmaline formed within it. It’s an excellent crystal for purification, energy clearing, and restorative for the aura.

How To Work With Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is a high frequency crystal that helps to neutralize and clear negative energy, and protect you from harmful vibes.