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Crystal Bliss at the Solstice
As the summer unfolds with the upcoming solstice (or winter, depending on where you are), consider skipping out on the circles, gatherings, chants, rituals. Consider spending it quietly, in nature, with your soul, Spirit, and a sacred stone.

New Crystal Techniques for Your Daily Spiritual Practice
I feel now more than ever that having a daily spiritual practice is not only necessary for your spiritual growth and wellbeing, but a healing practice that grounds light and high frequencies in this world. A daily practice with crystals doesn’t need to take a huge amount of time.

How to Work with Alchemy Crystals for Transformation
If you’re looking to create significant change in your life, yourself, or your world, you can work with alchemy stones to help initiate or effect powerful inner and outer transformation.

Becoming Your Dream: A Leo Moon Crystal Ritual
I think many of us (myself included) could do with a little Leo moon juice + some joyfully mad-passionate crystals right now...

A Light in Dark Places: Crystal Healing + Cleansing Ritual for the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse
The purpose of this ritual is to charge a crystal with the moon’s healing energy and guidance, so that you can connect with healing light energy in dark times, and ask to receive guidance or clarity to help you navigate the challenges and understand the meaning or lessons from what you’re facing.

Easy Morning Crystal Ritual
Even if it’s just taking five minutes to tune in to myself, center, and connect with my soul or the Universe, those five minutes can initiate a palpable energy shift that can help set up my whole day for the better.

Solstice Journey + Crystal Magic!
Here are some crystal suggestions for this magical day. You can wear them to tune into the energy of these magical days, and to enhance any of your manifestation, healing, ritual, or spiritual workings.

Opening The Road: A Crystal Fire Ritual
While many of us focus on what we intend to attract, create or achieve in the new year, not as many contemplate what they’re willing to release in order to create space for their dreams, opening the road to success.

Mystic Mastery: The Magical Eclipse Season of August
We have quite an incredible month ahead of us! It begins today with Lughansadh, the first of three harvest festivals and the transition in triple goddess lore from the time of the Mother (fullness, life) to the Crone (wisdom, psychism, death). So how does all of this translate into our everyday lives?

Gathering of the Ancients: Beltane Lore
The bards were playing their lyres as the priestesses prepared offerings and libation for the sacred union. The festival of Beltane is here again. The celebrations begin on the eve of April 30th (though traditionally, on the eve before the sun is in 15 degrees of Taurus).