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Ever Had a Bad Reaction to a Crystal?
You thought crystals were supposed to help you feel better, not worse! Having a bad reaction to a crystal is actually not so uncommon - it’s something I’m asked about on a weekly basis. “What does it mean?” and, “what do I do with the crystal?”

What Does it Mean When You Break or Lose a Crystal?
There can be many possible reasons or meanings behind lost or broken crystals. Sometimes it’s just an unfortunate circumstance - things get lost, accidents happen. But the Universe can work in mysterious ways, and messages or miracles can be hidden behind the circumstances…

Crystal Healing for Pandemic Fatigue
The concern is that all of this will push us collectively to a mental health breaking point - but it doesn’t have to, we can find healthy ways to respond that will help pull us, our families, and our communities through, better and stronger!
Here are some crystal healing practices + suggestions that can help you…

Crystal Support for Teachers
Teachers - you’ve been reaching out to me for support and I’m hearing you. Lots of stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and frustration, but at the end of the day you need to show up and stand up for your students.
So I’m breaking it down here in terms of the different energies + emotions you may be feeling or encountering as school starts up again, making crystal suggestions that can support you, and explaining how and why to work with them.

Finding Your Soul Stone + Crystal Talisman
In the crystal kingdom, for each of us, there is a soul stone. A stone that represents the heart of your life quest, purpose, or path. Ready to discover what yours is?

Crystal Therapy for Systemic Stress
Some of the work I have pioneered in crystal healing is working with the electrical system of the body. Crystals emit electromagnetic fields, just like the human body. This is scientifically measurable and thus verifiable.

Crystals + Water Element: Healing & Nurturing
The realm of water is that of the emotions, the collective unconscious, receptivity, and intuition. It is abundant and divine flow, and a place where secrets and other worlds lay hidden.

Grounding Crystals: Which One to Choose?
Not all grounding crystals are alike, which one is best for you? Here’s 7 suggestions…

Crystals + Fire Element Magic: Purification & Transformation
The fire element represents pure, raw power. There is nothing placid or calm about fire: It is creation and destruction, an energy that operates in extremes.

Crystals + Air Element: Inspiration + Divine Communication
The power of air: It helps us to become unblocked, get moving again, feel inspired and think and communicate in new ways.