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Did You Know That Crystals Have Memory?
While crystals have an energy matrix and field, they also have a spirit and consciousness. They’re very like us in this respect. What they experience throughout their lengthy existence is imprinted into their consciousness and is retained in their light codes. They remember.

Walking the Labyrinth with Crystal Consciousness
I’ve always been fascinated by labyrinths. Mazes are puzzles that have many paths and possibilities, often complex and confusing (not unlike life, I grant you), but unicursal labyrinths have one path that will lead you to center. Keep following the path, and you will reach your goal.

Your Root is Evolving! Crystals to Help You Adapt + Thrive
There was something I learned years ago when I was training as a healer: If the energy centre at your root (at the base of your spine) is out of balance, then everything else will end up out of balance, too.

How to Trust + Follow Spirit
Times of great challenge are also times of great reclaiming: Reclaiming our feelings of resilience, personal power, faith, magic, and healing wisdom. Reclaiming old ways while adopting new. Reclaiming our sense of purpose, and conviction in what truly matters.
It is often in times of challenge or recovery that we turn more deeply to Spirit - for guidance, understanding, support.

Earth Grid Medicine Journey with Black Tourmaline
We'll be journeying through space/time to guides and realms that are very real, just very different from ours, but are aligned with us through the light to help us evolve. We'll be connecting directly with the crystalline grids, their consciousness + energy, and each other to heal, channel guidance, and become a source of friendship + support for one another.

Bliss: A Transcendental Crystal Heart Activation
I had been wearing these heart stones all day for positivity, good fortune, and abundance - but most importantly for feelings of self-worth, deserving, and the openness to receive…

How to Work with Portal Quartz (aka. Time Link)
Ever notice a small window on the face of your quartz crystal?
If it’s a parallelogram (see pics below), it may very well be a time link, making your quartz crystal a very special portal quartz.

How to Work with Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake obsidian is a form of natural volcanic glass that have clusters of needle-like crystals that look like snowflakes. It is a stone of hope, faith, and light in the darkness.

Crystal Healing for the Solstice: Beginnings and Endings
Can you feel the energy building?
It’s been building through this month, having increased in momentum after the new moon solar eclipse on the 14th.
It’s climax will be the solstice on the 21st - a ritual time of beginnings and endings.

The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide
This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.