Crystal DNA Alchemy for Conscious Co-Creation
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It’s time to go deeper with our crystals:
When you enter the world of Istaria Crystallis®, you’re entering a world of ancient magic, healing alchemy, and power.
Crystals are more than the sum of their parts: They have spirits and consciousness. They are encoded with memory, light language, holograms, and ancient wisdom.
When we learn to channel their light medicine we initiate an exponential consciousness shift that heals us in ways not possible with traditional crystal practices.

Istaria Crystallis® is more than just an energy healing modality, it is a crystal mystery school divinely designed to change your life.
→ You, too, carry ancient memory that needs to be unlocked ←
Your DNA carries more than just your genetics, it also carries your etheric blueprint.
Within that blueprint, encoded in light, are your past life memories, your ancestral inheritance, karma, soul design, astrology, and Akashic records.
The thing is that not all of these codes are positive, some of them are what we call “shadow codes”, and yet they all pattern out into your reality.
Have you ever had that experience of trying so hard to shift something, heal something, change something, or manifest something in your life, and you just keep feeling blocked or incapable of doing so?
Then it’s possible you’ve got a shadow code in your DNA, either from past life karma, your ancestors, or trauma from your childhood that’s patterning negatively into your reality.
Until that pattern is changed it will continue to persist, and you’ll find yourself staying blocked and frustrated.
But, when you learn how to channel crystalline light medicine into your DNA codes, you can begin to unravel these patterns and redesign the reality you are creating.
Istaria Crystallis® is the crystal’s own system of alchemy and co-creation, based on ancient wisdom, knowledge, and memory that predates our current history.
It was channeled through the crystals themselves, and it’s divinely designed to help you reclaim the power within you.
As within, so without.
As above, so below.
Expand your consciousness.
Change the patterns.
Open to the mysteries of the ancients,
And you’re guaranteed change.
That’s the promise of Istaria Crystallis®.
“I use to take ayahuasca and mushrooms to break through hardened walls to connect with Source and surrender to the flow. Krista has taught me to do this by simply holding a crystal in my hand.”
Istaria Crystallis®
The only thing you need to decide is:
How much longer are you willing to wait to become what you were always meant to be?
Spiritual Activation
March 2025
LEVEL TWO: Alchemy
DNA Light Code Alchemy
March 2025
LEVEL THREE: Practitioner
Conscious Co-Creation: Business
December 10, 2024 - January 07, 2025
MASTER LEVEL: Lemurian Blueprint
Conscious Co-Creation: Life
December 10, 2024 - January 05, 2025

“The [Istaria Crystallis®] course has changed my life.
It put me in the diver’s sear of my own healing, of uncovering past lives, ancestral healing, hidden talents and so much more! I never in a million years thought that it would be possible to journey to so many amazing realms, to talk with my crystals, to receive guidance and wisdom from them. And not only to be able to do this for myself, but to be able to share this one of a kind experience with others… it’s transformational!
Krista’s teaching style is hands on, and she is so knowledgeable with everything crystal related… It really was a magical experience start to finish!”
Krista N. Mitchell is the author of “Crystal Reiki” and “Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love, and Luck”.
For 15 years she was a full-time crystal reiki therapist and spiritual counselor in New York City before devoting her path to teaching and writing.
Her training programs are based on years of intensive field-work, successful case studies, and interweave quantum theory, psychology, and crystal alchemy to help effect deep levels of healing and transformation.
She lives on the north shores of Lake Erie, at the edge of an ancient Carolinian forest, deep in a world of nature, wonders, possibility, and magic.
She is living the life she dreamed into being, and she is very mostly happy.
Are you ready?
We don’t reach for crystals in order to stay the same!
We’re craving change, and on some level we know that crystals can help us activate that magic.
Istaria Crystallis® is this magic: A consciousness training that will evolve you into your next level of co-creative possibility, and deep self-healing ability, with crystals.