Cellular Light Activation with Quartz Crystal
I’ve been talking a lot this past while about how crystals activate the ancient memory in our cells and the light codes in our DNA, and now I’d like to show instead of tell:
I’m going to lead you through activating your prime cellular state (light activation) with a quartz crystal.
What does this mean? And why?
What it means, put simply, is rapidly increasing your vibration and raising your frequency using nothing other than quartz energy and your own consciousness.
Because this enters you into your ascension matrix: A higher, more expanded state of consciousness that signals to your cellular (ancient) memory and your DNA that you are evolving, and that it’s time to unleash more of your dormant gifts, light energy, and potential.
In short: It enables you to perform with greater capacity and heightened ability.
In Istaria Crystallis® we always enter into prime state before we spirit journey, channel higher dimensional guides, or carry out remote energy clearings through space/time (ie: past lives, ancestral, etc.).
When Should You Enter Prime State?
Honestly, any time you feel guided to our feel that it could be of service to you or another, or when you’re about to engage in psychic or spiritual work.
You can try entering prime state before:
Giving psychic readings or mediumship sessions
Providing energy healing sessions
Artistic performances
Athletic competitions
Public speaking or giving presentations
In learning or teaching situations
Doing your daily energy clearing and shielding work (ahem!)
The Benefits of Practising Prime State Regularly:
Prime state opens you to higher levels of consciousness and divine guidance, while also drawing grounding + revitalizing earth energy up into your body.
In time you’ll find that you’re growing spiritually, your intuition is sharper, and your psychic abilities are more active and on point.
You’ll also find that you can heal, build strength, and recover more quickly (I say this based on my own personal experience, I am not offering medical advice), and that you’re more magnetic when it comes to manifestation and law of attraction.
Prime state is also commonly initiated through breath work, sound healing, and other spiritual practices, but this practice here was taught to me directly by the collective crystalline consciousness itself, and is both easier + quicker.
The more you practice prime, the stronger your energetic field + psychic defences are, and the more easily your system will naturally sustain the prime state for longer.
Can This Be Abused?
Sure, human beings are capable of abusing anything, sadly. But you’re not one of those my luv, you allow Spirit to guide you and you honor the wisdom of your soul, so this can only benefit you.
The one time I don’t recommend engaging in prime state? Within an hour of going to bed. Give yourself time to unwind first 😉
Enjoy your new practice! It’s one of the many ancient teachings I’ve channeled through the crystals that have changed my life.
➡ RELATED: Check out my Istaria Crystallis® program: There’s a whole school of crystal mysteries waiting for you!
How to Enter Prime State?
Watch the video below 👇🏼 and follow along! All you need is one quartz crystal, nine (9) minutes of time, and a willing and open heart.
There’s magic inside of you, this is where you get to feel it!
The March crystal channeling is here, bringing guidance and support as we move through the energies of this month!
If you’ve been feeling a little off lately—heavy, foggy, or disconnected—this is for you. This month, the crystalline consciousness is offering us three guiding stones, each carrying a unique medicine to support us through the energies ahead.