What is Crystal Alchemy?

a poster with the words "what is crystal alchemy?"

Crystal alchemy is a spiritual form of crystal healing. It combines the channeling of crystal energy with a higher consciousness to effect positive change in our:

  • unconscious minds

  • psyche

  • shadow selves

  • and cellular memory

In other words: the intangible parts of ourselves that are harder to perceive, access, or understand, and yet can have a massive impact on our lives.

We are made up of more than our thoughts, feelings, bodies, and auras – something is always instructing these things. And those instructions have an indelible impact on everything we are and the reality we experience.

But what is providing these instructions? And how do we change these instructions if they’re not in our favor?

This is what crystal alchemy aims to directly, strategically address.

Let’s first begin with the “what”:

a woman's face with a purple and blue space in the background

Source: Trandoshan

The Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind operates beneath our conscious minds and is considered inaccessible for introspection, yet heavily influential on our thought processes and behaviours.

The unconscious mind is a reservoir of our forgotten memories, fantasies, things we have repressed or suppressed, implicit knowledge (like how to walk or type), and inherited material like archetypes, cultural codes, and social conditioning.

While our conscious mind will filter information based on our focus or attention, the unconscious mind receives it all - “missed” information that sometimes will later inform our intuition, but is largely filed away.

Our Psyche

The crystalline consciousness I channel describes our psyche as our spirit or persona, the unique identity our souls have chosen to adopt, live through, and experience in this lifetime.

Our psyches are the source of our desires, tastes, values, dreams, and the intricacies that make us who we are as human beings. Ancestral lineage and soul archetype (the etheric template upon which our soul was created) will also have a bearing on our psyche.

Shadow Selves

Our shadow selves are an essential part of our dual nature as human beings. Our shadow is the collective of our darker aspects: Our fears, shames, wounds, insecurities, resentment, jealousy, hate, bias, greed, and heartlessness.

Our shadows, too, have a formidable impact (always limiting or negative) on how we think, what we believe, our behaviours, and our choices.

Many of our shadow “defences”, like resistance, antipathy, and denial work to steer us away from the things that caused us fear, shame, or emotional pain based hurtful or traumatic events we experienced in the past.

The problem with these defences is that they often do us more harm than good, holding us back or keeping us stuck in patterns that repeat this past instead of freeing us from it.

The worse part is we’re often not even aware of these patterns or why they persist.

For example:

  • Never being able to make ends meet or improve your financial situation no matter how hard you try

  • Winding up in the same type of toxic relationship over and over again

  • Fears or phobias that have no obvious cause or basis in your life (these can also be past life or karmic issues)

  • A life long habit of pleasing, giving more than receiving, self-negation, or low self-worth/esteem

  • Feeling like you’re just living from one stress event to the next without relief

Cellular Memory

Cellular memory has become a new area of study in biology, the theory being that our body’s cells may have the capacity to create and maintain memories.

Most cells in our bodies contain DNA, and our DNA carries the blueprints for all that we are – not just on a physical level – but on a spiritual level as well. There is a growing belief that along with genetics our DNA is also encoded with the memories of our ancestors, past lives, karma, akashic records, astrological imprint, and soul archetype (aka. etheric blueprint).

According to the crystal consciousness I channel this is indeed so, and it forms the basis for the Istaria Crystallis® program they had me create.

All of these memories and encodings, too, influence our thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, health, spirits, shadow selves, and even unconscious mind, making them as formidable in their impact as they are difficult to access.


How to Access These Parts and Change the Instructions

As mentioned earlier, this is what crystal alchemy seeks to address: Drawing these parts of ourselves to our awareness so that we can make more conscious, soul-aligned changes.

Crystal alchemy is typically practiced in trance: Either a person or practitioner drops into a theta state, and, working with the spirits of their crystals in tandem with higher dimensional guides, they are drawn into the hidden, intangible parts of themselves.

In this state they can channel crystal energy in combination with higher dimensional guidance (aka. consciousness) into these intangible parts, healing or resolving the cause of these instructions (ie: karma, ancestral wounds, painful memories, etc.) and then informing new instructions.

The stable frequencies of crystals are key here: We can channel strong, clear energy + guidance into the cause that is amplified and very directional, while unfettered by human error or negativity.

And as both energy and consciousness are not limited by time/space, this work can be done to effect healing or change in the past, present, or future. There are no limits.

How is it Alchemy?

The healing technique is considered alchemical because of the deep, cellular level at which it works, and the lasting changes it creates:

transfiguration (a complete change into a more evolved spiritual state), and/or transmutation (a permanent change into another state of being or experience of reality, ie: what the caterpillar experiences after it turns into a butterfly).

While other forms of crystal healing are heavily focused on chakras and auras to effect healing on a physical, mental, emotional, or energetic level, crystal alchemy is heavily focused on spiritual and consciousness healing at a deep cellular level to help effect permanent and lasting change in our realities and state of being.


Have any thoughts or questions about crystal alchemy? Drop them in the comments! 👇


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