Heka’s Triangles: Channeling Ancient Egyptian Magic Through Crystals

An ancient statue of the Egyptian god Heka in a wooden display case

For the past year, when I close my eyes, I drop into my inner temple and invite the spirits of my crystals to dance, and then my inner vision is flooded with triangles.

I thought it was light language – light codes, to be exact – and I wasn’t far wrong, but I had a recent experience that brought me much deeper into the mystery:

Krista holding a large, polished, green bloodstone and Atlantean quartz point in her hand

I was channeling with my bloodstone + Atlantean crystals, and they revealed to me that what I’ve been seeing is the light symbol of heka, the all-pervasive creator force magic once honored by the ancient Egyptians.

The Crystal Channeling

In this spirit journey I was brought to an underground, cavernous temple and to the Luminous One Ma’at (Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, order, and honor), who has helped me enormously in making sense of everything I’m channeling + structuring it into my Istaria Crystallis® program.

Triangles of golden light were floating everywhere in the cavern, and Ma’at told me that this is a sign that I am seeing heka, a creator force (personified as the god Heka) that is also a magic humans can consciously channel for co-creation.

If you are seeing triangles in your meditations, visions, or dreams like I am, you have activated this potential in your DNA and are in an enhanced state of spiritual evolution + manifestation.

Let Me Explain:

The crystals have taught me that our DNA has multiple strands, not all visible (yet) to science, and that these strands contain light codes.

The light codes carry information + memory from our past lives, ancestors, higher self, etc., but they are also encoded with creator energy (aka. heka), personal transformation energy, and quantum potential.

In Istaria Crystallis® we are initiated into the four forces of creation: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, and heka is a name we could honor as the fifth force – the magic or consciousness that binds it all together and sparks the soul.

When we work consistently, deeply, with the multidimensional consciousness of crystals we activate more of the light codes in our DNA, and in so doing, more of the creator and transformational energy within us.

Which in turns gives us greater access to our quantum potential and influence over the reality of what we experience.

The Magic is Within You

A pyramid-shaped design composed of nine smaller triangles with a cosmic, colorful galaxy pattern.

If you are seeing triangles in your visions, dreams, meditations, or even if their shapes are standing out to you in your daily life, it is a sign that you are becoming more consciously aware of the ancient magic within you.

You are activating more of your power to transform, to remember, to wield or weave with the forces to influence your reality and all that it encompasses (health, wealth, feelings, etc.).

The three sides of the triangle represent thought, memory, and magic. And it’s with these three things that we create our reality.

The god Heka was believed to watch over souls, to nurture and sustain them, to protect them, and help guide them into the afterlife.

It was why the soul was inviolable, whole, and a pure connection to Source – a belief we see pattern through many of the world’s ancient systems of belief as well as those of today.

If this post lit up your heart in some way, if you felt the resonance, then I’m glad, because it’s a reminder to you of the ancient power running through your veins.

Of the greater mystery within and without.

And of why your crystals sang themselves into your keeping.

Final Bit of Guidance:

If you’re seeing triangles become more mindful of your thoughts and how you’re directing your energy because they carry greater weight. With evolution comes responsibility!

Challenge the limiting 3D bias of your mind – what if more was possible for you? What if you could achieve or become what you wished? How would that feel? Would that make you happy? If not, refine.

4 crystals for greater self-awareness and deep listening:

4 crystals for activating the magic within:

Give yourself more time to deepen into their magic, and you’ll be deepening into your own, and trust in miracles – you ARE one.


We don’t reach for crystals in order to stay the same!

We’re craving change, and on some level we know that crystals can help us activate our magic.


Welcome to the Crystal Codes!


The Great Spiritual Anti-Climax