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Solace Stones: Retreating into Stone Spirit Medicine
There is a solstice occurring tomorrow, Saturday Dec. 21st.
In the northern hemisphere at dawn this will herald the rebirth of the sun and the return of the light. In the southern hemisphere at sunset there will be a gala of light meant to raise us to ascendency.
Both are rites of passage and devotion that were once held sacred by the wise ones of old.

Heka’s Triangles: Channeling Ancient Egyptian Magic Through Crystals
For the past year, when I close my eyes, I drop into my inner temple and invite the spirits of my crystals to dance, and then my inner vision is flooded with triangles.
I thought it was light language – light codes, to be exact – and I wasn’t far wrong, but I had a recent experience that brought me much deeper into the mystery…

The Great Spiritual Anti-Climax
One of the many wonders of the spiritual path are those deep, mystical, spiritual experiences we sometimes have in meditation, ritual, or nature that changes our lives.
But Spirit is potent medicine, and sometimes after experiencing the wonders, forces, or touch of Creation, we’re left in a post-exhilaration slump that I call “the spiritual anti-climax”…

Crystal Healing Support for Loss & Grief
In many ways grief in such a tender and sacred thing. We carry it with us like a fragile egg that breaks over and over again with a deep in-welling, and then outpouring, of pain and emotion. It comes in waves, and can leave us feeling unmoored, cast adrift, lost at sea without wanting to be found.In this week’s blog post I share some crystals that created this space for me, that helped carry my grief when I couldn’t alone, that helped bring comfort and faith and a solitary connection to Spirit.

The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide
This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.

How to Work with Alchemy Crystals for Transformation
If you’re looking to create significant change in your life, yourself, or your world, you can work with alchemy stones to help initiate or effect powerful inner and outer transformation.

Crystals + Fire Element Magic: Purification & Transformation
The fire element represents pure, raw power. There is nothing placid or calm about fire: It is creation and destruction, an energy that operates in extremes.

Protective + House Blessing Crystal Ritual for the Waning Moon Phase
With this ritual we’re working with the power of the waning moon, quartz, five protective stones, and water. I’ve also included some tips on how you make this more powerful (if you have the time).

How To Work With Labradorite
Labradorite is a crystal of ancient mystery, magic, psychic protection, transformation, and psychic ability.

Top 10 Protection Crystals: Which One is Best for You?
The truth of my experience is that not all protective crystals work the same -- what you work with very much depends on what’s affecting you and what you need.