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2025 Crystal Channeling: Celestite
For context: Earlier this month I channeled guidance for the year of 2025 through three different crystals: Celestite being one of them.
Each crystal sang to me with a different message, and depending on which crystal calls to you or resonates, that message is for you….

The Down Low on High Frequency Crystals
We love high frequency crystals, right?
They’re powerful, sexy, activate higher levels of consciousness + psychic awakening…
What could be bad about high frequency crystals?

Crystal Keys and the Mystical Realms They Open
When I first started channeling through the stones I was already familiar with their spirits, their teachings and wisdom, their Earth medicine.
What blew me away was that I would also encounter other spirits, or have visions of other mystical realms. That’s when the game really changed for me - that’s when the idea for my crystal mediumship program was born.

The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide
This is the ultimate crystal gift guide! Find crystals suggestions for everything from abundance to babies rooms, house blessings to weddings, and more! Plus links to online conscious crystal shops and crystal classes to make your life even easier.

Celestite: A Healing Ritual for Divine Intervention
Celestite is a strontium sulfate crystal whose fragility belies its majestic healing power. Its name derives from the Latin “heavenly”.

Crystals + Practices to Maintain Spiritual Alignment
The energy of 2020 is lined up to help us build our foundation for the next level of our success, fulfillment, Grace, health, new phase or story, but the key is setting this foundation in a way that is in alignment with our true heart’s desires and souls.

Crystals + Air Element: Inspiration + Divine Communication
The power of air: It helps us to become unblocked, get moving again, feel inspired and think and communicate in new ways.

Crystals for Mercury Retrograde + the Pisces New Moon
While many people focus on the negatives when in Mercury retro, there are a lot of positive aspects, but in order to benefit from them you need to be able to stay grounded and go with the flow.

Crystals for Life Purpose
What crystals can help you when trying to figure out your purpose or what you want to be when you “grow up” - I offer you some suggestions…

How to Have a Transcendental Experience with Crystals
For years my crystal work has been focused on healing, but that’s really only one part of working with crystals. In the past while I’ve become increasingly fascinated by the spiritual development work we can do with crystal energy.
By having such experiences, we move out of our daily stories and perceptions of our (separated) selves and come in contact/reunite with that which is greater, divine, and whole (as in oneness). This has an alchemical effect on our own subatomic structure, infusing us with more light and awakening greater levels of consciousness...