The Moldavite Codes: Pt. 2

“This is a continuation from my last post: ‘The Moldavite Codes: Part 1’, in which I promised to share more about the 5D people of moldavite’s origin planet, what they were like, and the light maps they left behind for us to follow.

I open Moldavite’s light codes and immediately drop into trance. In spirit journey with its consciousness I am pulled back through the labyrinth to its origin planet, when it wasn’t the moldavite we know now but when it was the heart crystal of a world that was ruled by kindness.”

This is an excerpt of “The Moldavite Codes” in the Crystal Codes series which I’ll exclusively be posting on Substack, but I’ll be sharing excerpts right here on my blog with a link to read the full post.


What is Crystal Alchemy?


Rhodonite in the Shark Belly: Healing Ancestral Abundance Blocks with Crystals