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Earth Grid Medicine Journey with Black Tourmaline
Spirituality, Rituals, Crystal Files, Abundance Krista N. Mitchell Spirituality, Rituals, Crystal Files, Abundance Krista N. Mitchell

Earth Grid Medicine Journey with Black Tourmaline

We'll be journeying through space/time to guides and realms that are very real, just very different from ours, but are aligned with us through the light to help us evolve. We'll be connecting directly with the crystalline grids, their consciousness + energy, and each other to heal, channel guidance, and become a source of friendship + support for one another.

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You Are a Magnetic Force: A Crystal Manifestation Practice
Abundance, Love, Rituals, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell Abundance, Love, Rituals, Spirituality Krista N. Mitchell

You Are a Magnetic Force: A Crystal Manifestation Practice

One of the big lessons I think many of us took from 2020 was the necessity of being able to adapt and thrive. Change is the only constant, and so much feels beyond our control. And yet, there IS hope, opportunity, invention, innovation, and magnificent healing that is happening all over the world - right now.

How do we tap into that, and invite some of it our way?

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Crystal Healing Ritual for the Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse
Moon Phases, Rituals, Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell Moon Phases, Rituals, Emotional Healing Krista N. Mitchell

Crystal Healing Ritual for the Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse

There’s great turmoil in the world right now - uprising, revolution, demands for justice, and they’re happening because this is part of evolution. We can’t be awake while still being asleep to what’s happening around us, to social injustice, to systemic racism.

We also can’t be awake if we’re asleep to our own shadow selves.

This full moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius (exact on 6/5/20 at 3:12pm ET), while the sun remains in Gemini, is an opportunity for us to look within, to learn, to grow, and to face our inner duality.

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