A Bedtime Crystal Ritual for Peace

an apophyllite cluster with clear points

It’s been my experience that sleep can be hard to come by in spring, anyway, due to the time change and cyclical shifting of the seasons.

I reckon it’s tough for even more people right now, with the fear and uncertainty many are experiencing.

And especially tough for empaths and sensitives, who feel it all.

It’s also hard for healers who feel the call to action but are required to stay at home. All that energy gets pent up and starts to feel like anxiety, which can make it hard to sleep.

The mind has trouble quieting. The adrenaline keeps pumping in reaction to the stress and fear. There’s that wired/tired feeling. And we take it all to bed with us.

Does this resonate for any of you?

This bedtime crystal ritual came to me today, and to be honest, I need it to – I find the only time I’m making for my own self-care right now is at the very start and very end of my days.

It’s just too busy in between.

But I need my rest. And we all need space for some peace and light to come in, creating moments of soul care and respite.

This ritual is simple, sweet, and loving.

I hope it is of service to you. 🙏🏻

Bedtime Crystal Ritual for Peace

Crystals you will need:

a long, white satin spar selenite stick on top of a tree branch
an apophyllite cluster with numerous clear points
a pink rose quartz stone with white veins

The Ritual:

  1. Clear your aura with a selenite stick. You can also use sacred smoke, have a salt bath, or you can get crafty and make my DIY crystal aura spray. This will help to clear away all the psychic cobwebs and energy debris weighing you down.

  2. Sit comfortably in your bed while holding apophyllite or rose quartz in your receptive (non-dominant) hand for 10 minutes or more. Crystal energy takes a little time to start affecting us.
    👉 Apophyllite works best for the purpose of this ritual because it helps you to lift up out of your shadow self (where your fear and all darker aspects of yourself reside), and float into a higher perspective, higher state of mind, and lightbody. It also connects you with higher guidance in the dream state.
    👉 Rose quartz is a good alternative because its loving, nurturing, and soothing for the emotional body.

  3. Take a few minutes (or as long as you need) to consciously connect with your crystal. Notice its shape and weight, how it feels in your hand. Silently greet it, and invite its energy to flow. Ask it for peace and soothing. Connect with those feelings inside.
    Added benefit: this creates a directive in your subconscious programming that as you sit with this crystal, in bed, you are embodying peace and soothing. Your system will respond in alignment with that intention.

  4. Place your crystal under your pillow or beside your bed, and as you do, ask it to emit a bubble of peace and wellness surrounding you as you sleep.

  5. Do this all from a loving place, not one of forceful expectation. Think of energy like water: when you apply force, it moves away. When you surrender, it creates space for it to flow in. Let the crystal energy flow in, and trust.

PS. You’ll need to clear your bedtime ritual crystal after each night’s use. And this may take a few nights before the energy shift happens. Keep giving yourself crystal healing, and trust.


PPS. My online certification program Istaria Crystallis™: Crystal Alchemy, Mediumship, and DNA Light Coding opens for enrollment twice a year, in the fall and spring!! If you feel called to service, or to advance your training, click here to register!



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