Clearing Inner Resistance to Positive Change - A Crystal Healing Ritual

a black stone between tree branches on the ground and the branches surround the stone in a triangular shape

It’s mind-boggling to think that there’s a part of us inside that fights us on making positive changes in our lives.

If something’s going to make our lives better, happier, healthier, why can’t we just do it? What gets in the way?

Put your hand up if you’ve ever experienced this: there’s a change you’ve wanted or needed to make in your life for a long-azz time, but you just seem stuck or held in the same old place or repeating pattern.

You just can’t seem to make the change happen.

It could be losing weight, changing jobs or careers, shifting your pattern of relationships, breaking a bad habit, exercising more, eating better, creating more work/life balance, etc.

What you are experiencing, my friend, is inner resistance.

For whatever reason, something deep, down inside you just won’t budge. There will be excuses, obstacles, refusal, denial. Vagueness or a “lack of clarity” is one of resistance’s favorite defenses.

And two, five, ten years later, you’ll still be stuck in the same old place or pattern.

Resistance, ultimately, is a machination of your shadow self. Somewhen in your childhood you experienced a trauma or an upset, or you learned that in order to get something you had to behave in a certain way, and that programmed a belief in your psyche.

Committed to that belief, you’ll resist anything that goes against it. The program has been written, and it will keep playing out through your entire adult life.

UNLESS, you rewrite it, and rewrite it you CAN!

But first, you have to work through the resistance.

Here’s a healing ritual you can do with crystal energy support:

First, accept and surrender

Resisting resistance is futile. When you accept your situation, and surrender to the resistance, you get energy flowing again. Hold mangano calcite, moonstone, or rose quartz in your receptive (non-dominant hand). Breathe deeply but gently, and then meditate for at least 1 minute. Consciously decide to accept and surrender.

a pink mangano calcite polished stone with light, white banding

Mangano calcite


Rose quartz


Identify the cause of your resistance

The key thing to remember is that resistance is seeking to serve a purpose, and inevitably, its purpose is in an effort to either protect you or provide for you in some way. Hold apache tear in your receptive hand and black moonstone or black obsidian in your dominant hand. These crystals help bring aspects of your shadow up to the light of your consciousness so that they can be seen and understood. Meditate for at least 1 minute, and then approach the resistance from a place of curiosity. Ask your inner self “How is this resistance keeping me safe?”, or “What am I gaining from this resistance?” Let the responses float up from your consciousness as opposed to trying to reason them out.

Apache tear

Black moonstone

Black obsidian


Form a new, positive, empowering belief

Once you’ve identified the cause of your resistance, you’re in a position to choose differently. Hold black kyanite or clear calcite in your receptive hand to help clear any residual blocked energy, and hematite in your dominant hand for fortitude, grounding, and commitment. Now close your eyes, and focus on the change you’d like to make. See or feel how it would benefit you, form some positive associations through visualization or sense memory. When you feel you’ve achieved this, take a deep breath, and imagine it settling into your psyche, forming a new, positive belief.

Black kyanite

a clear calcite cluster

Clear calcite


Keep your crystals on your altar or in a sacred place to remind you of your process, and so that you can connect with their energy when you feel the need. Or, you can clear their energy, and work with them again to help you address a different issue of resistance in your life.



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