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How to Make Big Life Changes with Crystals
We love high frequency crystals, right?
They’re powerful, sexy, activate higher levels of consciousness + psychic awakening…
What could be bad about high frequency crystals?

Your Crystal Eclipse Survival Kit
We have a partial solar eclipse happening on Saturday April 30th at 18:45 UTC , and I’ve been feeling the churning this past week:
Shadow aspects, unhappy memories, frustrations, and discontents – it’s very like the eclipse to bring these things to the surface.

How to Reclaim Power from Your Shadow Self
I often make mention of the shadow self here on my blog, and it’s the basis of a full module of training in my Pro Crystal Healer program, due to the immensely painful effect it has on our lives. That being said, the shadow can be misunderstood or misrepresented as our inner villain, but it’s more closely defined as our wounded self, or wounded warrior.

How to Work with Alchemy Crystals for Transformation
If you’re looking to create significant change in your life, yourself, or your world, you can work with alchemy stones to help initiate or effect powerful inner and outer transformation.

Ever Had a Bad Reaction to a Crystal?
You thought crystals were supposed to help you feel better, not worse! Having a bad reaction to a crystal is actually not so uncommon - it’s something I’m asked about on a weekly basis. “What does it mean?” and, “what do I do with the crystal?”

Crystal Solstice + Eclipse Magic: The Descent of the Sacred Warrior
I experienced a powerful download yesterday. I was in my garden with my sceptre quartz, tuning into the energies of the solstice and the upcoming new moon in cancer + solar eclipse. What I received was an insight into the archetypal cycles, nature, and stories of humanity, and how they’re playing out now on a cosmic scale.

Allowing Fear to be Your Teacher: Crystal Healing for the Scorpio New Moon
Scorpio is all about the dark places, the hidden and unseen, our innermost motivations and desires. It’s intensity, death, lust, magick, psychism, power, deep emotions, and manifestation.