Crystal Healing for Overwhelm

I’m kind’a over feeling overwhelmed!

I tend to take on too much, which is something I’m still working on in my own personal healing process.

Sometimes it’s what my guidance calls “Go time”, where there’s a lot upgrading, downloading, and shifting simultaneously, and it’s a matter of taking it on and getting it done.

And sometimes, a whole barrel of shit just seems to hit all at once! And it’s duck and cover and cope as best you can.

I imagine everyone who’s reading this has experienced all three.

I feel like I’ve experienced all three this year, and it’s only the end of February!

While we can point to the moons, eclipses, stars, or our shadows as the culprits, overwhelm seems to have become a way of life for too many people.

Crystals can’t magically fix this, but they can help provide the energy support we need to ride these times out as best we can.

I’ve got two suggestions here for you: one is a combo you can wear on a daily basis for support, the second is a crystal healing session you can provide for yourself within the comfort of your own home.

Crystal Combo For Daily Support

Here are my essentials: blue sapphire, fluorite, fuschite, smoky quartz, and citrine.

I never recommend wearing more than 5 crystals at a day for daily wearing, as that can overwhelm the system, so if you feel intuitively guided to using a different crystal (or if you don’t have one of these and need to make a substitution), trust what you feel intuitively drawn to wearing.

Blue sapphire

  • Organization

  • Focus

  • Structure

a natural blue sapphire specimen


  • Clarity

  • Mental balance

  • Insight

a multi-colored fluorite wand


  • Emotional balance

  • Grounding

  • Discernment

a natural, metallic green fuchsite specimen with speckling of black

Smoky quartz

  • Grounding

  • Stress relief

  • Clearing of negative energy

a brown smoky quartz tumble held in Krista's hand


  • Grounding

  • Positive outlook

  • Creative thinking

two citrine points: one on the left is a golden natural citrine while the one on the right is heat treated with a bright yellow tip and white base

Crystal Healing Session

I recommend this basic crystal healing layout. Again, you can make substitutions either based on what you have or feel intuitively guided to use.

a body diagram with various crystals laid upon specific areas on the body

Crown chakra: apophyllite (zen perspective)

3rd eye chakra: fluorite ( clarity, mental balance, insight) + blue sapphire (organization, focus, structure)

Throat chakra: blue kyanite (clear communication + direction)

Heart chakra: fuschite (emotional balance + grounding, discernment) or rose quartz (self-love, soothing, self-esteem)

Solar plexus chakra: citrine (grounding + positive outlook + creative thinking)

Sacral chakra: bloodstone (grounding + emotional stability)

Root chakra: smoky quartz (grounding + stress relief + clearing of negative energy)


  1. Make sure your crystals are cleared and charged.

  2. Lie down with your crystals beside you and within easy reach. I also recommend having a blanket on hand, because as people relax, they tend to get cold.

  3. Start placing your crystals at the root first, and then work your way up, so that you always remain grounded in your body.

  4. Relax and drift for 20 – 40 minutes. No need to set any kind of intention or remain focused, just let the crystal energy do its thing.

  5. Remove the crystals from the crown down.

  6. Clear your crystals.

  7. Drink water.


I hope that’s of service to you all! Take care of you.




Crystals for Challenging Times


Crystals + Practices to Maintain Spiritual Alignment