How To Work With Carnelian

Carnelian is an excellent crystal for passion, creativity, empowerment, grounding, and fertility. Here's how to work with it:
Wear it:
whenever you are performing or public speaking, so that you really excel, are present in the work and making bold choices.
when you also need to be committed and bold in your every day choices when making changes in your life or lifestyle.
in any kind of situation when you want to walk in and feel empowered, have moxy, chutzpah, and fill the room with great energy.
It really helps to boost creativity and revive passion when you're wearing it, or meditate with it or take it as a crystal tonic. You can also sleep with it at night either by placing it under your pillow or by your bedside.
Meditate with it for:
greater confidence and courage in social situations
It balances the sacral chakra (below the belly button) so it's great in crystal healing for:
Place it on the sacral chakra and rest, let the crystal do it's work for a while, or you can wear it in pockets.

You can learn about more crystals and how to work with them in your everyday life in my book "Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck" or you can sign up for my online crystal courses and certification program Istaria Crystallis®!
If you’re in the process of recovering from a bad breakup or painful divorce, or if you are healing from heartbreak, loss, grief, or emotional trauma, the following crystals can help provide healing energy for you on a daily basis.
Apophyllite is a high frequency crystal of higher wisdom, higher realms, and our higher selves, that helps free us of our fear or ego-based minds, and amplifies healing energy.
Turquoise is a stone of spiritual mastery that helps mystics, healers, shamans and sages tune into the voice of Spirit, the soul, the land, and our own inner truth.
Angelite is a beautiful, soothing stone that is as gentle as it is powerful, connecting you with the angelic realm, and giving you an overall sense of peace and calm.
Spirit quartz is a powerful aura healer and protector, that boosts courage, and enhances your connection to the fairy and nature spirit realm.
Sugilite is a powerful stone of transformation, healing, emotional and spiritual growth that helps to raise your frequency, activate and strengthen psychic ability, and heal the heart.
Black kyanite is a power crystal that helps to remove blocked energy, deflect psychic attack, and help you to uncover and work through the causes of inner resistance.
Azurite is a powerhouse third eye chakra crystal that helps you dramatically increase your psychic abilities and awareness, divination skills, and think outside the box.
Red jasper is a stone of the brave, of power, courage, strength, grounding, and personal majesty, that can help support you through challenging times and long work hours.
Blue kyanite is a crystal of mastery that helps you with self-expression, clarity of thought, come up with new ideas, hear your intuition, and recover more quickly from colds and sore throats.
Green aventurine is an immune-boosting stone of heart health and healing, vitality, and abundance.
In crystal healing there are two types of citrine we work with, one which is natural, and one which is heat-treated amethyst or referred to as “market”, “common”, or “heat-treated” citrine. Both have great properties to work with depending on your needs.
Fuschite is a stone of great green vitality, freshness, and vigor that’s great for busy people leading busy lives, overwhelm, and for people practicing presence.
Lithium is my absolute fave, #1 choice to work with when experiencing moments of high anxiety, anxiety attacks, high stress, or emotional upset.
Tourmaline quartz is quartz that has either strands, fibers, or bars of black tourmaline formed within it. It’s an excellent crystal for purification, energy clearing, and restorative for the aura.
Red tourmaline (aka. rubellite) is a powerful heart healing stone that helps to expand the heart chakra, flooding our system with love energy, and supports us in deep emotional healing.