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What is Crystal Alchemy?
Crystal alchemy is a spiritual form of crystal healing. It combines the channeling of crystal energy with a higher consciousness to effect positive change in our:
unconscious minds
shadow selves
and cellular memory
In other words: the intangible parts of ourselves that are harder to perceive, access, or understand, and yet can have a massive impact on our lives.

Crystals Sing the Earth's Song
Crystals sing the Earth's song, and it vibrates through the water, carried to us through the oceans and the tides. The standing stones send the messages to the heavens, and draw down the energies of the sun and stars.

Ancestral Healing & What the Crystals Taught Me
These memories, whether we're conscious of them or not, inform our feelings, behaviors fears and beliefs. Memories are subjective interpretations of events. So in ancestral healing, we can't change or edit the event, but: We CAN change the energy charge they carry.

Crossroads Crystals + the Otherworld
I remember the first time a crystal opened a portal for me into the spirit world: I was sitting by a lake with a piece of staurolite (pictured above) and I dropped into trance. I felt mists come up around me, and I was transported to the isle of Avalon…

Crystal Alchemy and How It Changed My Life
There will always be more for us to heal, right? But I realized that if that was my sole focus I'd be stuck in that process for the rest of my life, without ever actually enjoying myself… Crystal alchemy is powerful medicine because it's transmutation and transformation. It's deep, conscious change. It's mining the gold, the treasure we carry within, and mastering our reality by patterning it outwards through our energetic fields.

True story of a 🤯 remote energy clearing
For many people energy clearing involves lighting up some sage and wafting it around a room or through an aura. Can I tell you, from years of energy clearing experience, that it often needs to go so much deeper than this?

New Crystal Techniques for Your Daily Spiritual Practice
I feel now more than ever that having a daily spiritual practice is not only necessary for your spiritual growth and wellbeing, but a healing practice that grounds light and high frequencies in this world. A daily practice with crystals doesn’t need to take a huge amount of time.