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Libra Full Moon Crystals
This is being viewed as a challenging moon, one that upends our sense of balance, while encouraging us to find new ways of maintaining it.
Pisces New Moon Crystals: Deep Healing for Positive Change
At this time, you may be feeling moody, blue, insightful, drawn inward, or guided to make some healing decisions in your life. It's best to honor those feelings.
Virgo Full Moon Crystals: Manifesting Goodness in Your Life
It’s a time to light a candle, say a prayer, do some crystal work, and affirm healing, love or light in whichever area of your life (or the world) needs it most
Crystal Support for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius
If you've been feeling like you need a positive energy shift in your life recently, good news!
Crystal Support for the Capricorn 2018 New Moon
Overall guidance for this new moon in Capricorn: Take these next few days as an opportunity to find quiet time, amp up your self-care routine, connect with your inner wisdom, and invest in your soul journey.
Solar Eclipse Smoky Quartz Ritual
This will help you to release what no longer serves you more deeply, and create space for the positive shift and new energy downloads that will take place within 48 hours after the eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse Ceremony
While the moon rules the tides, it also rules our emotions, and when we're going into a full moon lunar eclipse, the effects on our emotional body, psyche, and collective unconscious can be deeply felt.
Mystic Mastery: The Magical Eclipse Season of August
We have quite an incredible month ahead of us! It begins today with Lughansadh, the first of three harvest festivals and the transition in triple goddess lore from the time of the Mother (fullness, life) to the Crone (wisdom, psychism, death). So how does all of this translate into our everyday lives?
Waxing Moon Ritual: Crystal Spirit Totem
If we harness the energy of both waxing moon and sun energy wisely, we can use it to sling-shot us towards our goals, and to ground and deepen our personal power.
A Simple Full Moon Crystal Ritual
Full moon's are always magical! They're a time when both magnetic and repellent energies are at their most potent, so it's an excellent time to work both manifestation and banishing magic. Here’s an easy ritual to try. You will need: a piece of clear quartz that has been cleared and charged, a notebook and pen or a recorder, and a list of questions for divine guidance.