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Cutting Cords to Past Relationships: A Waning Moon Crystal Ritual
Following nature’s calendar, we have the opportunity now to begin preparing ourselves for a better year…
Healing Earth Magick: Crystals + Land Spirits
To truly heal our relationship to the Earth, we have to make an effort to rejoin it, and that means consciously cultivating our relationships to the spirits of the land and nature that surround us.
How to Have a Transcendental Experience with Crystals
For years my crystal work has been focused on healing, but that’s really only one part of working with crystals. In the past while I’ve become increasingly fascinated by the spiritual development work we can do with crystal energy.
By having such experiences, we move out of our daily stories and perceptions of our (separated) selves and come in contact/reunite with that which is greater, divine, and whole (as in oneness). This has an alchemical effect on our own subatomic structure, infusing us with more light and awakening greater levels of consciousness...
Here's How Manifestation Works, Step By Step
How do you make your dreams happen? Here's the #1 most important step: Say YES to them.
A Little Yuletide Crystal Magic
A crystal + rune ritual to help you consciously welcome in the magic, healing, and blessings this time brings.
How To Charge Quartz With Your Intention
Quartz can be charged or charmed (what many people refer to as "programming") to work according to a specific intention, or to channel any kind of energy you wish.
Solar Eclipse Smoky Quartz Ritual
This will help you to release what no longer serves you more deeply, and create space for the positive shift and new energy downloads that will take place within 48 hours after the eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse Ceremony
While the moon rules the tides, it also rules our emotions, and when we're going into a full moon lunar eclipse, the effects on our emotional body, psyche, and collective unconscious can be deeply felt.
Mystic Mastery: The Magical Eclipse Season of August
We have quite an incredible month ahead of us! It begins today with Lughansadh, the first of three harvest festivals and the transition in triple goddess lore from the time of the Mother (fullness, life) to the Crone (wisdom, psychism, death). So how does all of this translate into our everyday lives?
Have You Been Conditioned To Compromise?
Why are you compromising? Here’s how to undo it if you’ve been conditioned to compromise…